Home Selling Services in West Island & Vaudreuil – Expert Guidance

Reaching a successful outcome when selling your home relies on a lot more than just putting it on Centris and receiving offers.

Maximizing your return on investment relies on proper planning and preparation well before officially putting your home on the market.

Our proven home-selling services in the West Island and Vaudreuil-Soulanges regions provide the expertise to guide you through the earliest stages of this process and ensure you make smart decisions that keep more money in your pocket when it’s all said and done.

The 5-Step Home Selling Process – How to Sell Your Home Fast and for the Best Price

Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

Selling your home starts a lot earlier that most people realize. Once you’ve decided a move is in your future, it’s important to plan exactly what you want to, and are willing to do to make your home as attractive as possible to potential buyers.

Navigating this process on your own can be daunting – knowing which home improvement projects with get you the greatest return, which cleanup projects are worth the effort, and even which colors to use when freshening up the paint in certain rooms are all decisions that you don’t have to make on your own.

Our team is not only working with a large group of prospective buyers at any given time, but we’re also plugged into how the wider market is performing. We see in real time how tastes and demands shift, and the impact that has on the homes that get sold in our area.

Our clients receive complimentary access to practical guidance in these areas, along with access to our list of vetted, proven service providers to help them along the way.

This saves you time, energy, headaches, and money.

Marketing Strategies to Sell Your Home Fast & for the Best Price

When the time arrives to put your home on the market, there is no more impactful activity than how your home is presented to attract the attention of buyers.

By exposing your home in its best possible light to as many potential buyers as possible, you give yourself the best chance of finding that ideal next owner of your home.

We refuse to rely exclusively on Centris to find the next owner of your home.

Over the last several years, we have invested heavily in developing a proprietary property marketing program that includes the very best of both digital and traditional marketing channels to ensure the largest possible audience sees your home.

Handling a Listed Home with Expert Support

Having your home on the market can often feel like the most disruptive stage of the process. This is where you’ll be asked to keep your home as clean and tidy as possible while you’re still living in it, and need to periodically leave for windows of time to allow prospective buyers the chance to tour it.

This is where our team will with closely with you, to try and best understand your household’s rhythms, and work with other brokers and prospective buyers to align to your schedule as best we possibly can.

In addition, we also ensure to have one of our licensed team members present for every showing. Not only does this ensure that you have a representative present to supervise the visit, but also that someone knowledgeable about your home and it’s highlights is there to support buyers in seeing the home’s best features.

Negotiating Offers & Getting the Best Price for Your Home

Receiving offers can be very exciting, but is also one of the more emotionally taxing parts of the process.

Picking the right offer is rarely a straightforward decision. Each one has its pros and cons, and weighing these out is harder when you’re selling something that can come with such strong emotional ties as a family home.

Through this phase we provide guidance well beyond your individual situation. With our team’s exposure to the hands-on reality of the West Island, Vaudreuil, and surrounding area markets, access to information about other recent transactions in the area, and through strong and collaborative relationships with the other brokers serving our region, our expertise can bring the data that helps balance the emotion, and help you find the decision that’s right for you.

Handling Home Inspections & Other Contingencies to Finalize the Sale of Your Home

You’ve got an accepted offer! With this critical milestone complete, now it’s time to work through the unique contingencies of your accepted offer.

This usually means standard things like home inspections and financing, but in some situations can include additional and more complex requirements that need to be fulfilled before the offer can be considered “firm”.

Through this stage, our team provides you with a client portal that keeps you on top of all the important dates so no deadlines are missed, provides a high level of communication to ensure you’re always up to speed, and will act as the bridge between you, the buyer, and their broker, to ensure everything goes smoothly.

We’re with you all the way through to your notary appointment when the process is officially finalized.

How to Start the Process of Selling Your Home

If you’re considering a move, have questions about the home selling process, or are curious to know what your home might be worth in today’s real estate market, just give us a call, text, or email.

Are you looking to buy or sell a property? Get in touch today